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Feb 19, 2020

What makes a good or bad patient? Is there really such a thing?

That depends on your provider. Compliance and simply asking questions with your health care provider about treatment effectiveness, choices, success rates, pros and cons, risk vs. benefits all shed light as to your willingness to comply. In mainstream medicine, compliance is key and questions about procedures aren't always welcomed by providers. There's a feeling patient's describe as presumptive, that because it's said and a standard of care, then IT IS SO. The real goal is that the patient gets their problem solved in a way that suits their philosophy or perspective on health. You have every right to ask questions and expect fair answers. When the U.S. scores as poorly in health as 37th or below, compared with other countries (World Health Organization statistics). Then why is there such provider judgement? Why should you be made to feel stupid or ignorant as a patient? Why then are you labeled as good or bad, compliant or non-compliant? How does that make you feel as a patient?