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Feb 7, 2020

Iron overload affects millions of Americans and has the potential to undermine all your health efforts and proactivity.

I never considered iron or my body’s iron levels. It wasn’t

something I'd ever thought was a problem when I had all this energy or needed to be aware of. I’ve been a performance athlete my whole life and have enjoyed a healthy, fit, strong and adventurous life up until the brakes were put on. My life turned on a dime and medicine had no answers.

Iron is vital and essential for ALL life AND arguably THE MOST TOXIC metal or micronutrient on the planet. If you or somebody you know has been treated for the top 5 chronic diseases; Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, Cancer or Alzheimers/Dementia, then this episode may directly your course of health and your future.  In this episode yours truly will lay down the tracks to the basics of how subtle iron can be in undermining all your positive health behaviors.

This is a deep topic and one I’ve had the misfortune of experiencing first hand. My life has changed as a result. I’m here to help others avoid the pitfalls and unnecessary destruction that I’ve gone through.